A Quick and Easy Guide to Eat Healthy in 2023 by Reliable MD in Sarasota, FL
What you eat plays a leading role in your health and well-being. When someone eats healthy, it helps to protect against many chronic diseases. At Reliable MD, we put together an easy guide to eating healthy this year. For more information, contact us today or book an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 2801 Fruitville Rd Unit 140, Sarasota, FL 34237.

Table of Contents:
What does a healthy and balanced meal look like?
Essential Tips to Eat Healthy in 2023
We cannot overstate the importance of eating healthy because achieving better overall health latches onto people’s food options. With the popularity of processed meals and unhealthy food items, eating nourishing food is more important than ever in 2023.
Eating healthy sounds like a simple lifestyle change, but it is more than that. It is a lifelong commitment. In choosing to consume healthy food, you will make better choices for your body that will benefit your well-being.
Here’s the rub: there’s no need to rush things forcefully. Starting with a few simple changes and practical food choices, you can make the necessary steps toward living a healthier lifestyle in 2023.
In this quick guide, Reliable MD shares important tips to eat healthy in 2023.
The diet here, diet there, diet everywhere— people seem to talk about eating all the time. Is there an ideal meal?
Here’s a quick breakdown of what it includes:
A majority of veggies and fruits
At the core of a healthy, balanced diet is a focus on vegetables and fruits. Antioxidants and vitamins are abundant in these nutrient-dense foods. Ideally, they must occupy half of your plate.
A decent amount of whole grains
Along with veggies and fruits, whole grains are another important component of a healthy diet. They provide essential nutrients like fiber, B vitamins, and magnesium. More importantly, they serve as the primary energy providers among all food options. Some examples of whole grains include brown rice, quinoa, and millet.
A few servings of protein
Proteins are vital instruments for healthy skin, bones, and muscles. This can come from sources like chicken, fish, tofu, or legumes.
Limited ultra-processed food
Processed food like hot dogs, pizza, chips, and cookies lose much of the original vitamins, minerals, and fibers during processing. As such, they are not healthy food options. However, a bite or two is okay, just not in excess.
Lots of water
Water facilitates digestion, allowing the body to quickly assimilate the nutrients from healthy food. Moreover, it promotes hydration and helps maintain the skin’s elasticity, a.k.a. fewer wrinkles!
• Prepare your meals using whole ingredients, with as minimally processed food as possible.
• Keep meals interesting by choosing a variety of proteins
• Prepare (and stick to!) a meal plan for the entire week to ease your decision-making while shopping for ingredients
• Choose recipes that are heavy on fruits and vegetables with a few servings of meat and grains
• Use frozen or canned fruits and veggies as alternatives if fresh produce is not available
• Avoid sugary drinks like soda, fruit juices, and other flavored beverages as much as possible
• Keep your freshly filled water bottle within arm’s reach for easy access
• Instead of a few large-portion meals, eat smaller-portion meals throughout the day to keep yourself satiated
• Make sure you have healthy snacks like nuts for in-between meal hunger strikes
• Don’t eat when you’re bored (trust us, everyone goes through this phase)
The commitment to eating healthy in 2023 starts with your decision. It doesn’t have to be drastic; even the little things you can do to embrace this lifestyle change can make a huge impact. One way to track your progress is by getting your annual physical evaluation.
Reliable MD is here to support your path to healthy living. We’re here for you if you need your Annual Physical or Medicare Wellness check. We serve patients in Sarasota County on Fruitville Rd, which is close to Whitfield Ave, Bee Ridge Rd, Lockwood Ridge Rd, and beyond! We also provide telehealth services, serving the entire state of Florida.